Texas Hold'em EN - Suprema Poker

How to Play Texas Hold'em

Cards in Hand


Recommended for

Beginner Players

Difficulty Level

What is Texas Hold'em?

Learning this game mode is more fun than it seems. Texas Hold'em originated in the 20th century in the state of Texas (USA). Today, it is the most popular poker variant in casinos and tournaments.

Texas Hold’em works as follows: at the beginning of the game, each player receives two cards and makes combinations with three of the five community cards. In each round, the player has three action options: fold, call, or raise.

After all players have made their decisions, the first three community cards are revealed on the table. Then, a new betting round follows. Whoever has the best hand takes all the chips in the pot, and a new round begins.

Ranking of Poker Hands

Poker hand ranking (combinations), from weakest to strongest:

10. High Card

No pair, just a high card.

9. One Pair

A single pair, consisting of two cards of the same value.

8. Two Pair

Two pairs, consisting of two cards of the same value and another two cards of the same value.

7. Three of a Kind

A pair in hand, combined with another card on the board.

6. Straight

Five connected cards in sequence.

5. Flush

Five cards of the same suit, not necessarily in sequence.

4. Full House

A three of a kind and a pair.

3. Four of a Kind

Four identical cards of different suits.

2. Straight Flush

Five consecutive cards of the same suit.

1. Royal Straight Flush

A sequential set of cards up to an Ace, starting from Ten.

Each player receives two cards, known as hole cards. After that, they can use five additional community cards.

A player is chosen as the dealer, responsible for dealing the cards. The dealer is also responsible for revealing the flop, turn, and river, in order. Whoever has the best hand wins all the chips in the pot.

In Texas Hold’em, there are three types of betting: No Limit, Fixed Limit, and Pot Limit. Check out the differences between them:

No Limit: Players can bet any amount of chips available at any time.

Fixed Limit: Players must bet at predefined moments, with predetermined values.

Pot Limit: Players can only bet up to the total value of the pot.

There are three positions at a Texas Hold'em poker table: early position, middle position, and late position.

The following actions exist at Texas Hold'em tables:

Call: When a player matches the current bet to continue to the next round.

All-in: When a player bets all their chips.

Raise: When there is an increase in the current bet amount.

The pre-flop is when a player has the option to play their hand by calling, folding, or raising.

The flop is the name given to the first three community cards.

The turn is the fourth community card revealed by the dealer on the board.

The river is the fifth and final community card revealed by the dealer on the board.

Showdown is the final moment of a poker hand. Players must reveal the strength of their hand to determine who wins the pot.